29 Dec ACL Launches fast-track GCSE options
ACL Essex, part of Essex County Council, is giving residents the chance to boost their English maths and science skills with fast-track GCSE courses.
The adult education provider offers GCSEs in English, maths, biology and physics. Residents have the chance to gain these qualifications in just six months, instead of a year. The next courses will start in January 2025 allowing people to take GCSE exams in May/June 2025.
Fast-track courses can help those who wish to enter employment, or progress to higher education and university. Some people may need to boost their English, maths or science grades to meet access requirements. The courses can also support those who are currently in employment who want to progress in their career.
Councillor Tony Ball, Essex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Lifelong Learning and Employability said:
“ACL Essex is supporting residents with their career goals. This fast-track approach to GCSEs is a great way for those seeking employment to gain key qualifications, that could otherwise be a barrier. Fast-track GCSEs open so many doors to opportunity. I encourage those who are interested in a fast-track course to speak to the team at ACL Essex to find out more and to get advice”
Natalie Rogers,46, a fast-track GCSE student in English, has a son with dyslexia and suspected she also had the learning disability. Here is her story:
“The class was small, and the teacher was great, I was given an in-house dyslexic test which show the traits and was given extra time in my exam.
“The course was enjoyable and the biggest lesson I learnt was, a lot of the things that I preconceived as scary, were things we all do automatically when we write. This made the whole experience less daunting.
“By the time I got to the exam, I felt mildly confident as we had done several mock exams in class. My results were amazing, I had scored an eight!”
Bolstered by her success, Natalie went on to study fast-track GCSE Maths and then onto an access course in Criminology.
Natalie explained what it is like to study at ACL Essex:
“The class is a mixture of all ages, of all genders and great fun. Returning to ACL was not a difficult decision, in fact it was an easy one. ACL not only helps you achieve your goals, but it also helps builds your own self confidence and gives you a great sense of pride.”
ACL Essex has also invested in hybrid classrooms, allowing residents to join a course in a physical classroom or online. This provides flexibility for people and lets them fit their learning around their lifestyle.
Progression and pathways information advice and guidance is also available for all residents. ACL Essex supports residents to take the next steps in their learning journey or get started on their chosen career path. Residents who complete GCSEs with ACL Essex can access a wide range of apprenticeship opportunities or go on to undertake further qualifications.
Fast-track courses in GCSE English and Maths begin in January 2025. To find out more and apply for a pre-course meeting, visit www.aclessex.com/gcses or call 0345 603 7635.